• (021) 6259984 (ext:107)
  • admission@stikesrshusada.ac.id


Materi Seminar Internasional 2018
22 Oct 2018

Sesi I
Prapaporn Langputeh, RN, APN, P.h.D
Palliative and End-of life care for neurology emergency patient in the emergency department 


Raziah Begum
Emergency Assessment of Accute Stroke Ischemia 


Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, SKp, MAppSc
What is psychosocial care and how can nurses better provide it to adult Stroke patients 



Sesi II
Ns. Elis Nurhayati Agustina, M.Kep., Sp.KMB
Emergencies Stroke management in pre and intra hospital


Ranati Pusmaranga, S.Kep., Ns
Peran perawat pada pemberian terapi trombolitik


Ns. Puspita Hanggit Lestari, M.Kep. Sp. Kep.Kom
Family Nursing Intervention for Stroke patients